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医学統計学の正しい知識と理解の普及を図るための研究・教育・啓蒙活動を行うとともに |
新しい統計手法を開発する研究を活性化するための広場を提供しています |
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研究者氏名 |
丹後俊郎 (Toshiro Tango) |
取得学位名 |
医学博士、工学修士 |
所属学会名 |
American Statistical Association,
The Royal Statistical Society, The Biometric Society,
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, 日本計量生物学会、応用統計学会、日本統計学会、
日本公衆衛生学会、日本医療情報学会 |
現在の専門分野 |
医学統計学、理論疫学 |
現在の研究課題 |
研究、環境汚染の健康影響に関する研究、他 |
主要著書 |
- Tango T. Statistical Methods for Disease Clustering, Statistics for
Biology and Health Series, New York, Springer (2010)
- 丹後俊郎、ベックタエコ.統計解析の英語表現 ―学会発表,論文作成へ向けて―.(丹後俊郎編:医学統計学シリーズ8)、 東京:朝倉書店 (2009)
- 丹後俊郎、横山徹爾、高橋邦彦.空間疫学への招待―疾病地図と疾病集積性を中心として.(丹後俊郎編:医学統計学シリーズ7)、東京:朝倉書店 (2007)
- 丹後俊郎、上坂浩之編.臨床試験ハンドブック-デザインと統計解析.東京:朝倉書店 (2006)
- 丹後俊郎.無作為化比較試験-デザインと統計解析.(丹後俊郎編:医学統計学シリーズ5)、朝倉書店
- 丹後俊郎.医学データ:デザインから統計モデルまで.(データサイエンスシリーズ No.10)、共立出版
- 丹後俊郎.メタ・アナリシス入門.(丹後俊郎編:医学統計学シリーズ4)、 朝倉書店
- 丹後俊郎.統計モデル入門.(丹後俊郎編:医学統計学シリーズ 2)、朝倉書店 (2000)
- 丹後俊郎.統計学のセンス -デザインする視点・データを見る目.(丹後俊郎編:医学統計学シリーズ 1)、
朝倉書店 (1998)
- 岡田美保子、丹後俊郎.医療統計の基礎と実際 - SPSS Macintosh/Windows 版. 秀潤社 (1996)
- 丹後俊郎、山岡和枝、高木晴良. ロジスティック回帰分析. - SASを利用した統計解析の実際、朝倉書店
- 丹後俊郎(分担執筆)、日本人小児の臨床検査基準値(小児基準値研究班編)、日本公衆衛生協会、(1996).
- 宮原英夫、丹後俊郎編.医学統計学ハンドブック. 朝倉書店 (1995).
- 丹後俊郎、医薬科系の統計演習問題集.現代統計実務講座,(財)実務教育研究所, (1994).
- 丹後俊郎著、古川俊之監修.新版:医学への統計学. 朝倉書店, (1993).
- 坂本元子、丹後俊郎著、栄養情報の統計解析. 朝倉書店, (1987).
- 丹後俊郎.臨床検査への統計学. 朝倉書店, (1986).
主要な統計手法の提案 |
- 疾病の空間集積性を検定しかつ集積地域を推定する方法 <プログラムFleXScan>
and Takahashi, International Journal of Health Geographics 2005; 4: 11)
- 未知数が確率変数である場合の線形(連立)方程式の推定法
(Tango, Statistics in Medicine 2005; 24: 3213-3222. )
- ごみ焼却施設、原子力発電などの周辺における健康影響を評価する統計的検定
(Tango, Statistics in Medicine. 2002; 21:497-514 )
- 疾病の空間(地域)集積性の検定法 <S-Plusプログラム>
(Tango, Statistics in Medicine. 2000; 19:191-204)
Statistics in Medicine, 1995;14: 2323-2334)
- 対応のある比率の同等性の検定法<Fortranプログラム>
Statistics in Medicine, 2000; 19: 133-139)
(Tango, Statistics in Medicine, 1998; 17:891-908)
- 栄養教育のための半定量食物摂取頻度調査票の妥当性と再現性の検討法
(山岡、丹後、渡辺、 日本公衛誌、2000; 47:
- 標準化死亡比、調整死亡率などの人口動態統計指標の経験的ベイズ推定法
(丹後、癌の臨床, 1999;
45: 1253-1260 ).
(丹後、公衆衛生研究、1999; 48: 84-93 ).
(丹後、応用統計学, 1988; 17:
- 対数正規分布を仮定した食中毒曝露時点の最尤推定法 <S-Plus プログラム>
(丹後、日本公衆衛生雑誌, 1998; 45: 129-141)
- 臨床検査・成長指標などの年齢によって変動する規準範囲の推定法 <S-Plus
(Tango, Statistics in Medicine、1998;
- 経時的測定データの混合モデルによる解析法
(Tango, Data Science, Classification and Related
Topics, C. Hayashi, et al. Ed., Springer-Verlag, Tokyo,1998: 247-254)
(丹後、応用統計学、1989; 18, 143-161)
- 対応のない比率のMantel-Haensze 型臨床的同等性(非劣性)の検定.
(Yanagawa, Tango, Hiejima,
Biometrics、1994; 50: 859-864)
- 大気汚染の健康影響の方法論
(Tango, Environment Health Perspective, 1994; 102:
最近の主要研究業績 |
- Tango T, Takahashi K and Kohriyama K. A space-time scan statistic for
detecting emerging outbreaks. Biometrics 2011; 67: 106-115.
- Zushi M, Yamaoka K, Watanabe M and Tango T. Development of a statistical
metabolic syndrome simulator. Japanese Journal of Public Health 2010; 57: 1043-1053.
- Adachi M, Yamaoka K, Watanabe M, Nishikawa M, Hida E, Kobayashi I and Tango
T. Effects of lifestyle education program for type 2 diabetes
patients in clinics: study design of a cluster randomized trial. BMC Public Health 2010; 10:742 (http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/10/742 )
- Hida, E. and Tango T. On the three-arm non-inferiority trial including
a placebo with a prespecified margin. Statistics in Medicine 2011; 30: 224-231
- Yamaoka K, Watanabe M, Hida E and Tango T. Impact of group based dietary education on dietary habit for female adolescents: A cluster randomized trial. Public Health Nutrition 2010; 14: 702-708.
- Takahashi K. and Tango T. Assignment of grouped exposure levels for
trend estimation in a regression analysis of summarized data. Statistics in Medicine 2010; 29: 2605–2616.
- Watanabe, M, Yamaoka K, Adachi M, Yokotsuka M, Tango T. Validity
and Reproducibility of the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQW82) for Dietary
Assessment in Female Adolescents. Public Health Nutrition 2010; 14: 297-305
- Sumi M and Tango T. Inference on the rate ratio of recurrent events for the matched pairs design. Statistics in Medicine 2010; 29: 3186-3193
- 高橋邦彦, 飛田英祐, 山岡和枝, 丹後俊郎. ベイズ推定の医療費地域差指数への適用. 日本公衆衛生雑誌 2010, 57:17-26.
- Nishikawa M, Tango T. Ohtaki M. Statistical tests based on new composite
hypotheses in clinical trials reflecting the relative clinical importance of
multiple endpoints quantitatively. Biometrical Journal 2009; 51:749-762.
- Tango T. Sample size formula for randomized controlled trials with counts of
recurrent events. Statistics and Probability Letters. 2009; 79: 466-472.
- Hasegawa T, Tango T. Permutation test following covariate-adaptive
randomization in randomized controlled trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical
Statistics, 2009; 19: 106-119.
- Tango T. A spatial scan statistic with a restricted likelihood ratio.
Japanese Journal of Biometrics 2008; 29:75-95.
- Ishizuka B, Kudo Y, Tango T. Cross-sectional community survey of menopause
symptoms among Japanese women. Maturitas, 2008; 61: 260-267.
- Takahashi K, Kulldorff M, Tango T and Yih K. A flexibly shaped space-time
scan statistic for disease outbreak detection and monitoring. International
Journal of Health Geographics 2008; 7:14.
- Doi Y, Yokoyama T, Sakai M, Nakamura Y, Tango T and Takahashi K. Spatial
clusters of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease mortality in Japan between 1995 and 2004.
Neuroepidemiology 2008; 30:222-228.
- Tango T. A class of multiplicity-adjusted tests for spatial clustering based
on case-control point data, Biometrics, 2007; 63: 119-127.
- Mitani S, Kamata H, Fujiwara M, Aoki N, Okada S, Watanabe M, Tango T and
Mori S. Missense mutation with/without nonsense mutation of the p53 gene is
associated with large cell morphology in human malignant lymphoma. Pathology
International, 2007; 57: 430-436.
- Takahashi K and Tango T. An extended power of cluster detection tests.
Statistics in Medicine 2006; 25: 841-852.
- Nishikawa M, Tango T, Ogawa M. Non-Parametric inference of adverse events
under informative censoring. Statistics in Medicine, 2006; 25:
- Nishikawa M and Tango T. Letter to the editor - "Testing treatment effects
in the presence of competing risks. Statistics in Medicine, 2006; 25:
- Aida J, Ando Y, Aoyama H, Tango T, Morita M. An ecological study on the
association of public dental health activities and sociodemographic
characteristics with caries prevalence in Japanese 3-year-old children.
Caries Research, 2006; 40: 466-472.
- Tango T. Linear equations with random variables. Statistics in
Medicine. 2005; 24: 3213-3222.
- Yamaoka K and Tango T. Efficacy of lifestyle education to prevent type 2
diabetes - A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Diabetes
Care. 2005; 28: 2780-2786.
- Tango T and Takahashi K. A flexibly shaped spatial scan statistic for
detecting clusters. International Journal of Health Geographics. 2005; 4:
- Tango T, Fujita T, Tanihata T, Minowa M, Doi Y, Kato N, Kunikane S, Uchiyama
I, Tanaka M and Uehata T. Risk of adverse reproductive outcomes associated with
proximity to municipal solid waste incinerators with high dioxin emission levels
in Japan. Journal of Epidemiology. 2004; 14: 83-93.
- Watanabe M, Yamaoka K, Yokotsuka M, Tango T. Randomized controlled trial of
a new dietary education program to prevent type 2 diabetes in a high-risk group
of Japanese male workers, Diabetes Care. 2003; 26:3209-3214.
- Nishikawa M and Tango T. Counter-intuitive Properties of the Kaplan-Meier
Estimator. Statistics and Probability Letters. 2003; 65: 353-361.
- Nishikawa M and Tango T. Behavior of the Kaplan-Meier Estimator for
deterministic imputations to interval-censored data and the Turnbull estimator.
Japanese Journal of Biometrics. 2003; 24(2):71-94.
- Kulldorff M, Tango T and Park PJ. Power comparisons for disease clustering
tests. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 2003; 42:
- Doi Y, Minowa M, Tango, T. Impact and correlates of poor sleep quality in
Japanese white-color employees. Sleep. 2003; 26: 467-471.
- Kawashima M, Tango, T, Noguchi T, Inagi M, Nakagawa H and Harada S. Addition
of fexofenadine to a topical corticosteroid reduces the pruritus associated with
atopic dermatitis in a 1-week randomized, multicenter, double-blind,
placebo-controlled, parallel-group study. British Journal of Dermatology.
2003; 148: 1212-1221.
- Iwasaki, T, Murata M, Ohshima S, Miyake T, Kudo S, Inoue Y, Narita M,
Yoshimura T, Akiba S, Tango T, Yoshimoto Y, Shimizu Y, Sobue T, Kusumi S,
Yamagishi C and Matsudaira H. Second analysis of mortality of Nuclear Industry
workers in Japan, 1986-1997. Radiation Rsearch. 2003;
- Daida H, Ouchi Y, Saito Y, Yamada N, Nishide T, Mokuno H, Kurata T, Sato H,
Eto M, Ako J, Tango T. and Yamaguchi H. Preventing angiograhic progression of
coronary atherosclerosis with pravastatin. Journal of Atherosclerosis and
Thrombosis. 2003: 10: 25-31.
- Tango T. Score tests for detecting excess risks around putative sources.
Statistics in Medicine. 2002; 21: 497-514.
- Murata M, Miyake T, Inoue Y, Ohshima S, Kudo S, Yoshimura T, Akiba S, Tango
T, Yoshimoto Y, Shimizu Y, Sobue T, Kusumi S, Iwasaki T, Yamagishi C and
Matsudaira H. Life-style and other characteristics of radiation workers at
nuclear facilities in Japan: Base-line data of a questionnaire survey. J.
Epidemiology. 2002; 12: 310-319.
- Miyake K, Tango, T, Ota Y, Mitamura K, Yoshiba M, Kako M, Hayashi S, Ikeda
Y, Hayashida N, Iwabuchi S, Sato Y, Tomi T, Funaki N, Hashimoto N, Umeda T,
Miyazaki J, Tanaka K, Endo Y and Suzuki H. Efficacy of stronger neo-minophagen
between two doses administered three times a week on patients with chronic viral
hepatitis. J. Gatroenterology and Hepatology. 2002; 17:
- Kawashima M, Harada S and Tango T. Review of fexofenadine in the treatment
of chronic idiopathic urticaria. The International Journal of
Dermatology. 2002; 41: 701-706.
- Takahashi M and Tango T. Estimation of excess mortality associated with
influenza-epidemics by age and cause specific death in Japan, 1975-1999.
Japanese Journal of Hygine. 2002; 57: 571-584 (in Japanese).
- Iino S, Tango T, Matsushima T, Toda G, Miyaka K, Hino K, Kumada H, Yasuda,
K, Kuroki T, Hirayama C and Suzuki H. Therapeutic effects of stronger
neo-minophagen C at different doses on chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.
Hepatology Research. 2001; 19: 31-40.
- Mitani S, Kamata H, Fujiwara M, Aoki N, Tango T, Fukuchi K, Oka T. Analysis
of c-myc DNA amplification in non-small cell lung carcinoma in comparison wiht
small cell lung carcinoma using polymerase chain reaction. Clin Exp Med.
2001; 2: 105-111.
- Takahashi M and Tango T. Comparison study of new method and the Kawai and
Fukutomi methods for estimating excess mortality associated with
influenza-epidemics, based upon National vital statistics from 1975 to 1997.
Japanese Journal of Public Health. 2001; 48: 816-826 (in
- Takahashi M and Tango T. A proposal for a new definition of excess mortality
associated with influenza-epidemics and its estimation. Japanese Journal of
Public Health. 2001; 48: 402-408 (in Japanese).
- Tango T. Confidence intervals for differences in correlated binary
proportions (with Author's Reply). Statistics in Medicine. 2000; 19,
- Tango T. A test for spatial disease clustering adjusted for multiple
testing. Statistics in Medicine. 2000; 19: 191-204.
- Mori H, Taketani Y, Uemura T, Miyake A, and Tango T. Rates of endometriosis
recurrence and pregnancy 1 year after treatment with intranasal Buserelin
Acetate (A prospective study). J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res. 1999; 25:
- Tango T. Comparison of general tests for disease clustering. in "Disease
Mapping and Risk Assessment for Public Health (Lawson A. et al. eds), John Wiley
& Sons, 1999; 111-117.
- Tango T. Improved confidence intervals for the difference between binomial
proportions based on paired data (with Author's Reply). Statistitics in
Medicine. 1999; 18, 3511-3513.
- Tango T. Equivalence test and confidence interval for the difference in
proportions for the paired-sample design. Statistics in Medicine. 1998;
17: 891-908.
- Tango T. Estimation of age-specific reference ranges via smoother AVAS.
Statistics in Medicine. 1998; 17: 1231-1243.
- Tango T. A mixture model to classify individual profiles of repeated
measurements. In "Data Science, Classification and Related Topics (eds by C.
Hayashi, et al.), Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 1998; 247-254.
- Tango T. Adjusting Moran's I for population density. Statistics in
Medicine. 1998; 17: 1055-1062.
- Tango T, Maximum likelihood estimation of date of infection in an outbreak
of diarrhea due to contaminated foods assuming lognormal distribution for the
incubation period. Japanese Journal of Public Health. 1998; 45: 129-141