PROGRAM MCN99A C Fortran code for non-inferiority test, confidence interval C for the difference in proportions for the paired-sample design C C August 1999 (version 2.00) C C Programmed by C C Toshiro Tango C Division of Theoretical Epidemiology C Department of Epidemiology C The Institute of Public Health C 4-6-1 Shirokanedai, Minatoku, Tokyo, 108, Japan C E-mail: C C ---------------------------------------------------------------- C ( README FIRST ) C 1. Please read my paper carefully before using this program. C 2. You are free to use this program for noncommercial purposes C even to modify it but please cite this original program C C Reference: C Tango, T. Equivalence test and confidence interval for the difference C in proportions for the paired-sample design. C Statistics in Medicine 17, 891-908 (1998). C ----------------------------------------------------------------- C C DIMENSION ORD(2),MRD(2),QHG(2) dimension Z(2) DIMENSION v1(100),v2(100),v3(100),v4(100),xx(2) C external random C external ran_ini C real*4 EPS real*4 z C real*4 ord,mrd,qhg C REAL*4 RND C integer*4 init_val C integer*4 random_seed integer*4 i, iii, stflag integer*4 v1,v2,v3,v4,a,b,c,d integer*4 npair,tra character*8 ti,tj external time common random_seed C input data file OPEN(7,FILE='d:\demo\mcn99a.dat') C output data.file OPEN(8,FILE='d:\demo\mcn99a.out') C COMMON /RANDOM/ RANDOM_SEED C call time( ti ) write(8,*) ti read(7,*)npcnt,zval,delta,npair C C npcnt: percentage, for example, = 95 for 95 % CI C zval : normal deviate for npcnt, for example, =1.960 for 95% C delta: delta value for equivalence test, for example, = 0.1 C npair: number of pairs of (a,b,c,d) for calculation C see input data file mcn99a.dat C do 100 i=1,npair read(7,*) v1(i),v2(i),v3(i),v4(i) C these four v's are (a,b,c,d) 100 continue C DO 999 III=1,NPAIR C a=v1(iii) b=v2(iii) c=v3(iii) d=v4(iii) n=a+b+c+d xn=n C write(6,246)a,b,c,d,a+b+c+d C 246 format(1H ,5F5.0) C EPS=0.00001 z(1)= -zval z(2)= -z(1) C C Test for equivalence C S=delta if((s .lt. 0.001) .and. (b .eq. 0) .and. (c .eq. 0))then t4=0 goto 430 endif 430 tra=0 CALL MCNE(S,float(N),float(B),float(C),T4) CALL TAN(ZVAL,A,B,C,D,XX,TRA,STFLAG) C write(8,833)a,b,c,d,n,xx(1),xx(2), *STFLAG,T4,tra C C xx(1): lower bound of CI C xx(2): upper bound of CI C STFLAG: =0, for convergence; =1, for not converged ! C T4: the proposed test statistics for equivalence test C tra=0 if b >= c; =1 for if b < c, just for check C see example output file: mcn99a.out C 833 format(1H ,5I4,2F10.5,I5,F10.5,I5) 999 continue C call time( tj ) write(8,*) tj STOP END C SUBROUTINE TAN(ZVAL,A,B,C,D,XX,TRA,STFLAG) DIMENSION XX(2),SC(2),Z(2) INTEGER*4 A,B,C,D,N,T,tra,stflag,flag N=A+B+C+D XN=N EPS=0.00001 z(1)= -zval z(2)= -z(1) tra=0 if(b .lt. c)then t=c c=b b=t tra=1 endif ns=1 ne=2 if((b .eq. 0) .and. (c .eq. 0))then ddd=z(1)**2/(xn+z(1)**2) sc(1)=ddd sc(2)=-ddd goto 682 endif if((a .eq. 0) .and. (c .eq. 0) .and. * (d .eq. 0))then ns=2 ne=2 endif C do 600 j=ns,ne if((b .gt. 0) .and. (c .gt. 0))then flag=1 goto 520 endif flag=2 520 if(flag .eq. 1)then bh=b ch=c x0=(bh-ch)/xn-z(j)/xn*sqrt( ch+bh-(ch-bh)**2/xn ) endif if((abs(x0) .gt. 1) .or. (flag .eq. 2))x0=0.998 ZZ=Z(J) call comp(ZZ,EPS,X0,X1,float(B),float(C),float(N),SS,stflag) SC(J)=SS 600 continue C if((a .eq. 0) .and. (c .eq. 0) .and. * (d .eq. 0))sc(1)=1 682 xx(1)=sc(2) xx(2)=sc(1) if(tra .eq. 1)then xx(1)=-sc(1) xx(2)=-sc(2) endif if(tra .eq. 1)then t=c c=b b=t endif RETURN END C SUBROUTINE COMP(ZZ,EPS,X0,X1,GB,GC,N,SS,stflag) REAL*4 ZZ,X0,X1,GB,GC,N,SS,Y0,Y1,W,V,X,EPS,T3,S,H0,H1 integer*4 stflag X1=X0*0.95 ncount=0 stflag=0 300 S= -X0 ncount=ncount+1 if(ncount .gt. 2000)then stflag=1 goto 310 endif CALL MCNE(S,N,GB,GC,T3) Y0=T3 S= -X1 CALL MCNE(S,N,GB,GC,T3) Y1=T3 H0=ABS(Y0+ZZ) H1=ABS(Y1+ZZ) IF(ABS((Y0-Y1)/Y0) .LE. EPS) GOTO 310 IF( H0 .GT. H1) THEN W=X0 X0=X1 X1=W V=Y0 Y0=Y1 Y1=V ENDIF X=X0+(X1-X0)*(ZZ-Y0)/(Y1-Y0) IF(ABS((X-X0)/X0) .LT. EPS) GOTO 310 X0=X1 X1=X C WRITE(6,*)X0,X1,Y0,Y1 GOTO 300 310 SS=X RETURN END C SUBROUTINE MCNE(S,N,GB,GC,T3) REAL*4 VA,VB,VC,VQ21,VQ12,T3,N,S,GB,GC VA=2*N VB= -(2*N-GB+GC)*S -GB-GC VC= GC*S*(1.0+S) VQ21=(SQRT(VB*VB-4*VA*VC)-VB)/2.0/VA VQ12=VQ21-S T3=(GB-GC+N*S)/SQRT( N*(VQ21+VQ12-S*S) ) RETURN END